Advanced Micromachining Tools
Anselm-Feuerbach-Str. 6
D-67227 Frankenthal, Germany

Telephone: +49-6233-49600-14
Telefax: +49-6233-436214

Geschäftsführer (CEO): Dr. Robert Nitzschmann
Registergericht: Ludwigshafen

Handelsregister: HRB 21971
VAT-ID: DE 812 890 496


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zuendraum concept and design
Design: Sebastian Thönnes; Implementation: Frank Robnik


The AMMT websites are only for information purposes. The description of products and the content of this website is not a substitute for our instructions for use found in the product manual. Knowledge which is contained in these pages is subject to ongoing change due to progress in research and development. AMMT reserves the right to change or update any information on the web-sites without notice. This also applies to improvements and/or changes in the products described. AMMT's obligations with respect to products and services are defined solely by the agreement reached directly with you. AMMT's websites do not contain any representations or warranties.

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